Safeguarding Our Little Stars

Little Stars recognises their statutory requirement to safeguard and protect your children from harm and promote positive wellbeing. This information has been put in place to inform you about how we meet our safeguarding and child protection responsibilities. There are some tips and other information about services that are available to you:

Our Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Alice Mcpherson

Deputy Designated Safeguarding & Inclusion Lead – Kellie Grey

If you have any queries, concerns or need to contact us about a safeguarding concern, please seek the DSL or DDS&IL where the DSL is not available.

Or contact us at :

Safeguarding Policy

Below is our safeguarding and child protection policy –

Safeguarding Advice and Information

We try our best to make sure everyone has the opportunity to access information and services that will help guide you along the correct path. Below is a pack of information –

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Little Stars Childminding understands that mental health and wellbeing is present from any age and that includes our parents, carers and guardians. Below we have provided information regarding Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Safeguarding Concern Review Conference (SCRC) –

We at Little Stars hold SCRCs to make sure we are doing everything we can to protect the welfare and wellbeing of all children in our care and supporting the family to the best of our ability. We hold SCRCs twice every term. We review the following:

Below is an SCRC Report Template that we use to measure risk and concern –